The versality of nitroethane

What do amphetamines, rocket fuel and citrus flavor have in common? It would seem like such an interesting and useful creation of mankind but it is clamping down on and on. We can talk about industrial life hacks or a way to pleasantly scent the air in the toilet, but no. The hero of today’s story is none other than nitroethane, the main substance in the synthesis of FNP – a direct precursor of amphetamine.

The price tag of this miracle varies in different ways, depending on the quantity. As a rule, from $20 for 100ml to $2300 for 20l, respectively. Obtaining such things is sometimes not easy, especially on an industrial scale, which is required to debug stable production. So what else is nitroethane useful for, in addition to being an important ingredient in paper precursors? It dissolves rags… But it is not only famous for this. Nitroethane was previously used to save the lives of soldiers during World War II when you may have heard of Pervitin use which improved mood, suppressed appetite, sleep, and in general made a hardy machine out of soldiers.

So why is nitroethane now banned somewhere, and limited somewhere, if it is so useful? Part of the answer has already been described, but there are deeper details. It is assumed that nitroethane causes genetic damage and is harmful to the nervous system, which is already sufficient reason for this. The list of consequences is endless: contact dermatitis in humans, in animals – lacrimation, shortness of breath, pulmonary rales, edema, damage to the liver and kidneys and subsequent coma, etc. By the way, when ladies remove their nails, nitroethane was also used in the liquid for this (here is contact dermatitis).

And here we run into prohibitions albeit incomplete barriers in things that have two sides of the coin. The only important thing is what hands are using this tool, with what intentions and what is the retreat plan. And the purpose of the application is the responsibility of the swung.
